Hello everyone! This series of "Me V.S. Fears" will be about all sorts of fears. Not the typical fears associated with spiders and snakes, but internal fears. Today I will be discussing one very common fear. The fear of failure.
Fear of Failure
Whether you've been afraid of failing a class or being seen as a failure to your parents, we've all dealt with this feeling. It's not always something we can control, and a lot of the time it can lead people to having anxiety, depression, and really bad self esteem. I, for one, have a really big fear of failure. This is not because of my parents or friends. It is something I have caused my own self to feel. Sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough. No matter how hard I try to be the best student I can be, something always causes my grades to drop. No matter how much I practice, I'm never anywhere near the best player on the volleyball court. No matter how much I deprive myself from the sweetness of chocolate, my body is never going to look like Kim Kardashian's. The list goes on and on. Now, although these things are all true, it doesn't mean that they are all necessarily something I should be stressing over. And nor should you. You (and I) have to remember that although it's good to keep yourself in check, you are still just a kid. You shouldn't be spending all your time and energy stressing over things that you'll wish you hadn't 10 years down the road. I know, there is no real solution for this fear, but there is one thing I'd like to remind you. If there is only one thing you take away from this post, I want it to be this. Failure is an event, not a person.
Survey says… 2 Truths & 1 Lie Answer
Your options were
I was born on Valentine's Day
I've swam with mantatees
I have masklophobia (the fear of mascots)
For anyone who guessed that I wasn't born on Valentine's Day....you'd be wrong! Although, if you guessed that I've never swam with a manatee, you'd be right. I have swam with dolphins, as well as sharks (accidentally while swimming in the ocean with Mads). Yikes!

And, in case anyone was wondering, yes, it does make it very hard having masklophobia, but also going to Disney every year. Seeing 'mascots' everywhere I walk in Disney makes me a bit anxious all the time, but it's nothing I can't handle.
Top 5
Today’s top five category is my top 5 favorite hang out spots!
Pottery Painting
Here me out on this one. Not a pottery class, but just a pottery painting studio. There are premade pottery pieces you choose from, and then you get to just sit down and talk. Below is one of my most recent pieces of art I made while pottery painting with my sister, Madison.
The Mall
Not everyone will love this one, but going to a mall can be so fun. As long as you pick a big one with lots of fun things to do (like get boba, shop, make teddy bears, play games at an arcade, etc.) Sometimes it can even be nice to just walk and talk.
Bike Ride
Speaking of walking and talking, another version of this is going on a bike ride. Not only are you working your muscles, but you're talking with your friend.
Water Park
Nothing is more fun than a day that contains swimming, tanning, wave pools, water slides, and a good friend to enjoy the time with!
Mini Golf
When I think back to all the fun things I have done with my friends, I always seem to remember when we went mini golfing. It also allows for a light amount of competition.
Honorable Mentions: College Sporting Event, The Zoo, Amusement Park
For anyone who said ‘the movies’, you can kindly stop talking. Quite literally. If I am gonna plan a hang out with my friends, it’s going to be a place we can talk at, which you can’t (or shouldn’t) be doing at the movies. Although I will say, if you’re someone who talks at the movie theater, shame on you.
Comment down below whether you agree with my list or not. As well as your favorite hang out spots!
Feel free to send me a question to answer either in the comments or you can chat message me!
Vacation Update
Not too long ago, my family and I took a trip down to Florida and went on a cruise. This was a celebratory cruise for my birthday! Here is a short video of a couple of my favorite photos I took.
what was your favorite part of the cruise?