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(Over)share, (over)think, (over)exaggerate

Writer: Izzy KateIzzy Kate

Hello lovelys! Recently, I've been thinking about the idea that I can be extra a lot of the time. Like, “is it really necessary to be this excessive”, ya know? I can't help it though. Maybe you can relate.


Being that I'm a theater kid, I bet you all can guess how much I like to talk. I'd like to learn which one you think you are.

Which one are you?

  • 0%A talker

  • 0%A listener

Whether you are a talker or a listener, you know how hard it can be sometimes to get a "talker" to stop talking. It's even worse when you are the one talking, and you can't seem to stop. Whenever I call a friend, they better be ready for me to yap up a storm. And, although it's fun for me, sometimes I'm afraid that I can begin to over share things and over bore people, but you know what I've learned? Sometimes the best way to stop yourself from oversharing, talking too much, or boring people with endless conversation is by asking them questions about themself. I've found that people become more interested in conversation if it involves them in some way. Then again, if you love to go on rants about yourself, you do you.


Why'd he look at me like that? Are they mad at me? Is there something on my face? Does this outfit make me look fat? (Hey boys! Don't answer that last one, it's a trick question)

Overthinking is so common, but so heavily thought of selfishly. What I mean by that is that we usually tend to forget that almost everyone around us is overthinking just like we are. Even the most confident and "secure" people I know are actually some of the biggest over thinkers I've met because they rely so much on others approval. No matter how much we can pretend to not care what others think, we know we all do in reality.


I used to always get so mad when people would tell me I was over reacting, and to be fair, looking back on those times, I was. Sometimes I think it's funny when people say "calm down", like thank you so much. That just fixed everything. Life isn't always very fun, so when something even slightly life altering comes across my path, I can tend to over exaggerate it. You've just gotta remember to not let one thing, person, or action effect the course of the rest of your day.

Top 5

Today's top 5 category is my top 5 favorite colors to wear!

  1. Banana yellow

  2. Pastel pink

  3. Vibrant blue

  4. Dark brown

  5. Purple

I will go more in depth about outfit ideas, colors I think go really good together, and my favorite accessories in one of my next posts.

Survey says… 2 Truths & 1 Lie Answer

Your options were

  1. I'm allergic to cinnamon

  2. I used to model

  3. I can do the splits

Most people guessed this one right, but the answer is that I am not allergic to cinnamon. Although I absolutely hate cinnamon and can't eat anything containing it, I am not allergic. A fun little fact about me is that I modeled on a cat walk one time. It was when I was way younger and it was for American Girl Doll. My sister even ended up doing it with me. It was such a fun experience I will never forget.

Tip of the Week

Do you know that feeling when someone you don't even know comes up to you and compliments you?


Well, I absolutely love it! Not because I necessarily want the compliments, but that fact that someone felt the courage to go up to me, someone they don't know, and compliment them. Knowing that we all can agree that compliments from strangers is an ego booster, I've begun a challenge for myself, which I encourage you to try as well. The challenge is to compliment at least 1 person per day. I always see at least one person in the hallway with a fire outfit or super cute hair, so I've decided to make my goal everyday to tell them. Not only does it make them feel good, but it always ends up making me feel good too! So, try it out, and tell me how it goes!


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