The 'perfect' body. Is it really something we should all be striving for if we all have different definitions of the what that is? As someone once said, "one mans trash is another mans treasure." Something I might find a perfect attribute, someone else might find a flaw. If this is the case, then why are we all striving for something so unachievable? Are we all born with this hope to achieve the perfect body? Or is it something we acquired from somewhere else? But most importantly, is there a way to change our fixed mindsets?
Perfection Through Society's Eyes
"She had beautiful ocean blue eyes, a small waist, pearly white teeth, and long flowing golden hair. Her name was Sarah..." Every book I read about teen life always seems to include a character description like this. An yet, every time I read something like this, I become more and more upset that I'm not 'Sarah'. By reading things like this, I begin to try to achieve something I wasn't meant to. I can't change my eye color, nor can/should I change every other little thing about me.
It's not our fault for feeling so imperfect. It's society's. Books, movies, magazines, you name it. Society has taught us that being "skinny", but also curvy is the perfect body type.

Sadly, even Disney teaches young kids to feel a certain way about their bodies. I, for the longest time, thought that if my waist isn't as tiny as Rapunzel then, something was wrong with me.

The truth is, we are all perfect exactly as we are. It may sound corny, but it's true. For example, my parents always remind me how strong I am. I have strong legs because they help me jump higher in volleyball. My physique is how it is because I am who I am. I'm athletic, and I wouldn't want to change anything about that. It took me a while to realize that nothing is wrong with the way I look. I just had to remember that my worth wasn't defined by my weight.
Top 3
Today's top 3 category is my top 3 favorite things about St. Patrick's Day!
All the green
It's kind of obvious, but the bright green everywhere and the cute little green decorations are so fun and festive! It always makes me smile.
Irish foods
I'm Irish and I love to get to have Irish foods as much as I can, so having a day to celebrate my Irish culture is such a nice time to do so!
I remember when I was little, my parents would help me set up a trap to catch a leprechaun and on Saint Patrick's Day we would always end up seeing her "foot prints" and she'd leave us golden chocolate coins and a note saying "Good luck next year!" The leprechaun would also take all the socks out of my drawer and throw them throughout my room. It always brought me so much excitement and curiosity as a young girl. It truly was an existential part of my childhood.
"I'm currently in middle school and kinda nervous for next year. I was wondering what your favorite part of high school is?" - Anonymous
Currently, I am a sophomore, and I've come to love quite a few things in high school. I love the increase in school spirit from middle school to high school. From pep rally's, to sporting events, to the school's fall play, to spirit days, it is all so much more fun and intense. Being that I love going to sporting events, it is so much more fun having lots of school spirit to make those games more hype! I'd also say that I love all the new people I have met. I will add that when I got to high school, I didn't choose to go to my feeder school, so I met a lot more people. Honestly, when you get to high school, don't be afraid to try something new and get out of your shell.
If you have a question you want me to answer, feel free to comment down below or chat message me privately
2 Truths & 1 Lie
I'm allergic to cinnamon
I used to model
I can do the splits
Which 1 is a Lie?
I'm allergic to cinnamon
I used to model
I can do the splits
I will answer which one is the actual lie in my next blog, so stay tuned!
Favorite Quote at the Moment
"Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me." ~ Michael Scott (The Office)
I chose this quote because not only is The Office my favorite TV show, but it's such a relatable quote (kind of). Plus, Michael Scott is just so funny, that everything he says is hilarious to me.
Song on Repeat
Busy Woman ~ Sabrina Carpenter
I absolutely love Sabrina Carpenter, so this newly released song being on repeat is a no brainer. She has such fun, catchy lyrics, and this song is no exception. Also, controversial question, but do you think she wears wigs or is that really all her natural hair? Tell me your thoughts down below.
